Free ways to grab liveleak videos

Free ways to grab liveleak videos

Last updated on May 21, 2013 by

Technically, Liveleak is not a normal video-sharing website only with entertainment properties, on which people can post and share videos. You should know that the point of liveleak is on current events, politics and lens based on reality such as war scenes from various countries in the world, which I think is exactly why the site has grew to prominence over days. Meanwhile, more and more people, including me, are curious about how to grab liveleak videos.

Well, normally, free save videos from liveleak to PC is what people prefer. Orbit Downloader and Freemake Video Downloader, with which I believe people are familiar, are two freeware that I used before.

Free ways to grab videos off

Orbit Downloader is a download manager to capture videos off and other popular video websites, like YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, etc.

Freemake Video Downloader is a freeware designed to grab videos from and suchlike websites in FLV, MP4, WebM or 3GP formats.

But we all know that these freeware have their common problems:

1. Indeterminacy of bringing adware, malware, spyware or even virus which bothered people a lot.
2. Restriction of the browsers you can use when you are downloading.

Well, these problems won’t happen on Video, which is free online video grabber app that can help you save liveleak video and videos from other online websites.

Then how to grab liveleak videos with Video Grabber?

Well, all you’re gonna do is just to enter video URL you want to grab on in the blank and press “Grab it” button, and then you just need to click download after it automatically finds the video for you.

grab liveleak video process

 It’s quite easy, isn’t it? It even avoids the trouble of downloading and installing software for you.

What if I want to watch videos out of my computer, like on my mobile phone or on my DVD player at home?

It seems Video Grabber can’t do this. Well, sure video grabber can’t, but Video Grabber Pro can.

Software to capture liveleak video

Video Grabber Pro is a kind of software with video audio editor and converter, CD and DVD grabber and burner that can help you grab streaming media, including video and audio, not only saving videos from and other video websites.

liveleak video grabber


Besides the Download part and Record Screen part, which both are the main functions of Video Grabber Pro to grab liveleak videos, the convert part is also very important for those people who want to watch some interesting videos on off the computer, such as on mobile phone, DVD player at home, etc.

In sum, if you want to find a free way to grab videos off, Video Grabber is your best choice, and if you want to not only just grab it but also play them on your personal video broadcast equipment for pleasure, you can try Video Grabber Pro.

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Posted byon March 5, 2012toGrab Online Videos,Follow me on Twitter. Last updated on May 21, 2013

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