The Best IE Video Downloader

The Best IE Video Downloader

Last updated on December 19, 2016 by

IE or Internet Explorer is a web browser created by the technological giant Microsoft. It was firstly released as an add-on but became a free browsers for all computer systems later on. All versions of Windows Operating System come preinstalled with Internet Explorer. Although there is a great decline in IE users when other browsers keep coming up, there’re still many people are after their simple and easy-to-use interface. Internet Explorer is great for surfing the web, listening to music, shopping online, reading articles and all others. IE provides smooth experience of streaming video clips on web.

Users of today are not just satisfied with simple video streaming, many of them wants to save videos from IE to their hard drive for collection or future playback. There are many ways on how you can download the playing videos online. One of the most popular ways is the use of IE video downloader. Know more about them after the jump.

How to download video in IE

Method 1: Video Grabber

For those who want a 100% free video downloader for IE 10 or lower versions, Video Grabber is what you need best. It is a web-based app meaning you don’t need to register or pay fees for using. Also, it works with different websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Break and 1,000 others. Unlike other video downloaders that can only grab clips in lower quality, this online video downloader can download in HD videos with up to 720p resolutions.


Simply paste the URL of the webpage with the clip you need and click the “Download” button on the right.



A notification will pop-up the first time you using Video Garbber and you can hit “Download Launcher” when prompted. Install it, then you will be presented with output formats and quality standards for saving the video.

Download Launcher


After choosing your desired format and resolution, right-click “Download” icon next to chosen format to download the video directly on your hard drive. Wait until the process completes, and then visit your local drive to check the downloaded clip.

IE video downloader

Apple users need not to worry because Video Grabber is also compatible with Mac. Actually it also works well as a safari video downloader and has no problem in running on other browsers, too. The way of downloading videos in Mac is the same as that on Windows – copy, paste, select and download.

Method 2: IE Download Helper

Working exclusively for Internet Explorer, the IE Download Helper is a small utility that can download online videos in just one click. From YouTube clips to full streaming movies, you can use this tool to save them all on your hard drive. This video downloader for IE comes fully compatible with IE 7 to IE 10 and has the ability to convert videos into different formats. Using it is likewise easy; a simple click to the “Green button” is all it takes to grab your desired clip.

IE DownloadHelper

However, with the free IE Download Helper you are only allowed to download a maximum of 20MB file size per file. If you want unlimited downloading, you need to purchase one of their 3 license plans. Additionally, the IE Download Helper only supports a handful of websites, five to be exact. Furthermore, it can only convert videos into 5 different formats not to mention that this added feature is only available to premium users.

Software Program – Apowersoft Video Download Capture

If you are not fond of using online applications and needs a more professional way of grabbing online clips, you may want to try a program which provides efficient download management. This video downloader for IE can efficiently grab streaming videos from different websites. From Yahoo Screen to Hulu, Vimeo, YouTube and Dailymotion, Video Download Capture supports over a million websites. What makes it different amongst all is that it offers batch video downloading. Instead of grabbing clips one-by-one, it lets you save videos all at once.


With Video Download Capture, you can even download live streaming videos or those that run under RTMP protocol. Furthermore, different formats and resolutions are available from handy media formats to real HD qualities. Additionally, you can use this software to convert videos and make necessary edits such as cropping, trimming, merging, inserting subtitles and all others. These indeed beautify your grabbed videos.
VDC for IE

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Posted byon June 11, 2014toGrab Online Videos,Follow me on Twitter. Last updated on December 19, 2016

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