Download and grab TruTv videos

Download and grab TruTv videos

Last updated on May 21, 2013 by

On, there are all kinds of original videos and featured TV programs, disclosing you current affairs or events like sport tournaments and crime reports. Collaborating with multiple TV providers like Comcast, DirecTV, Cox Cable and Verizon, you will get access to lots of TV shows and full episodes onTruTv.

Do you want to save favorite TruTv videos for long-term saving and offline playback? If so, you should download videos from TruTv for that.

Now get ready to take advantage of a free and popular video download

Assuming you don’t want to download any additional apps, and pay for shareware to grab TruTv videos only. The free online video grab app will be your ideal solution. Next, let me introduce more points and specific process to use it.

Just three necessary steps on this website, and then you will master how to download TruTv videos quickly:

Firstly, you ought to bring the video URL to paste into assigned download region.

free way to grab TruTv videos on website

Secondly, click “Grab it” then the video will be automatically discovered for you.
Thirdly, right click on “download” tab, and choose “save target as” to specify output folder to save the video to computer.

Done! Soon the video clip you want can be grabbed off website. Although the TruTv video grabber has no batch download mode, you can download heart’s TruTv videos one after the other.

More benefit:

The free video grabber is in position to grab videos from break, Dailymotion and YouTube as well. Thus, grab TruTv videos from and grabbing TruTV challenge videos from Dailymotion or more other video are also alternative ways to go.

After grabbing video off TruTv, you will notice that videos are in format of MP4. What if your portable media player doesn’t support it?

A dedicated video converter will do you a favor.


Tricks to download full episodes from TruTv

Providing that you have subscribed to any TV network which provides online service, you will be entitled to watch all available TV shows and latest full length episodes on However, this type of video content resembles that of Hulu, namely, they are protected videos.

To download TV shows from, software features as both rtmp stream recorder and screen recorder will help you most effectively.


Why choose it?

Because the protected video streams are usually sent to you over protocol of RTMP and its variations, such as, rtmpe, rtmpt and rtmps.
This kind of protocol usually has been added security measures, so that videos can’t be downloaded in normal way. Hence, specialized record rtmp video function is critical for you to download full episodes from TruTv.
Alternatively, record the video from PC screen is a favorable standby solution for you.

How to download TV shows from tutorial

1. Open the software. You will see the video recorder and advanced video recorder are all activated. Select the latter one.
software to download protected videos from TruTv

2. An inlaid web browser will appear, you need to enter the link of video webpage into the address bar. Then hit “Go”.

3. While the video is loading, the real video source will be found, whilst the program will begin to download videos from TruTv to destination folder.

Kind Reminding:

If you can’t wait to watch desired video, you are enabled to enjoy it while downloading. Furthermore, the converting video feature is also right there to use.

Actually the video grabber pro can do more than you expect, check out the details to download 5min videos.

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Posted byon April 7, 2012toGrab Online Videos,Follow me on Twitter. Last updated on May 21, 2013

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